MEETING AT 7PM at the Carriage House
I have added a lot of documents to review to our group site. For tonight and Sunday review the BeaconSearch101.pdf, the Avy fact sheet and the Avalanche review paper.
+Wear warm clothes
+a headlamp
+a prussik knot or 2 m cord
+a personal avy beacon (if you have one)
1) Knots for Tonight: Figure eight, F8 on a bight, Water knot, Double Fishermans, Prussik, Bowline.
2)Beacon Refresher by Andy; Overview of team beacons, will hide some beacons on the county courthouse lawn.
Sunday Winter Training 12/14
9 am will be paged, meet at the Carriage House, bring your winter kit (backpack, winter clothes etc).
+Review Avalanche forecast for the day.
+Practice beacon/probe shovel and get the snowmobile out.
+Prepare for appropriate winter travel, we wont go far so snowshoes or lightweight XC skis are fine.
+Goal is to familiarize group with our winter set up and have your winter kit ready to go.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Setting up the tripod in May 08 and running the rope through the winch system on the truck. The tripod and the truck bumper fabricated by our expert welder L. Raab.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
winter stoke
Fid is digging through his photo archive. Here is what he said, although he doesn't remember the year of this photo.
"By mid day Sat all the passes were closed (so no one was leaving...captive audience). It kept snowing...Andy Gleason -- who worked for CDOT as head forecaster -- was part of the school and finagled a special event by inviting all the student down to the howitzer site to watch them blast the Champions. That's what that photo is about. But nothing of any significance ran during the contol work. That afternoon -- and it just kept coming down -- we were up at the Shrine (all normally out of town field work had to be relocated to in town) doing the field work and as were were standing debriefing something, the Champions ran naturally. I got a photo of it (mostly just looks like a big power clound in the canyon) but what an experience for the students that year."
Monday, December 1, 2008
USGS Quads we use
A bit related to the GPS stuff. Here is the list of USGS 1:24k topo quads we use for San Juan County. We also use Lat 40 maps and the Drake maps which are composites of the USGS maps.
I will post the digital equivalents on the groups page eventually
USGS San Juan County Quads 1:24K
Telluride: barely makes it on west side
Handies Peak
Pole Creek Mountain
Hermosa Peak
Engineer Mountain
Snowdon Peak
Storm King Peak
Rio Grande Pyramid: barely borders on East side
I will post the digital equivalents on the groups page eventually
USGS San Juan County Quads 1:24K
Telluride: barely makes it on west side
Handies Peak
Pole Creek Mountain
Hermosa Peak
Engineer Mountain
Snowdon Peak
Storm King Peak
Rio Grande Pyramid: barely borders on East side